The chuckwagon was central to the trail drive’s daily operation. Chuckwagon cooking is an important part of the American Cowboy Culture, as well as Texas history, and lives on today in the form of cooking competitions and other events. So what is Cowboy Stew or as commonly known ‘son of a gun’ stew? We will start our explanation by introducing you to Cookie.
Texas is a former independent republic in its own right and the 28th US state. Here at TEXINI, we highlight Texas history, Texas culture, and Texas people as well as interesting facts about Texas. The chuckwagon, trail drives, longhorns, Cookies, and trail hands are an intricate part of the history of the Lone Star State.
What is a Cookie?
What is a Cookie? The very best Cowboy Stews were made from chuck wagons by the camp cook known as Cookie.
Cookie was oftentimes put upon to be the barber, dentist, doctor, seamstress, banker, and peacemaker. Cookie was second only to the trail boss. Texas may not have invented the trail drive but we do take credit for the chuck wagon that was used on trail drives to feed the trail hands.
Cattle Were Plentiful in Texas
In the 1800s cattle were plentiful in Texas but worth very little locally. Most were unbranded “mavericks” or Longhorns. Texas trail drives during the period consisted of horseback riders who were referred to as cowboys or vaqueros.
Due to the need for beef in the north and western regions of the country, trail drives were implemented to bring in higher beef prices for Texas ranchers. Trail drives typically took anywhere from 25 to 100 days creating the need for cooking rations and a transport apparatus that became known as the chuckwagon. Chuck was a slang word for food and food required a cook, commonly referred to as ‘Cookie’.
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Who Named the Chuckwagon?
Who named the chuckwagon? The invention of the Chuckwagon is attributed to Charles “Chuck” Goodnight, a Texas rancher in 1866.
Food stocked for trail drives consisted of beans, potatoes, sourdough biscuit makings, salt pork, molasses, rice, dried fruit, and coffee. Canned tomatoes, peaches, and canned milk eventually became available. Beef of course was plentiful and butchered on the trail as needed. Cookie knew how to prepare beef in many different ways. Fried steak, pot roasts, short ribs, and stew were common menu items. Cookie stocked a good supply of herbs and spices to flavor things up as fresh vegetables were not readily available. Occasionally the trail boss would stop to trade a steer for fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, butter, and other supplies from a local farmer along the way.
Chuckwagons were Central to the Trail Drive
The chuckwagon was central to the trail drive’s daily operation. Cookie had a long day and was never questioned as the trail hands depended on him for their sustenance. Cookie was up before dawn to grind the coffee beans and prepare breakfast. After this, he washed, dried, and put away dishes and cooking utensils often times prepping for the evening meal. He put away all the bedrolls, food, and utensils, then hitched up the wagon to move it on down the trail. In the evening after making dinner, and cleaning dishes including general clean-up, Cookie would gather wood to fill the possum’s belly (a piece of cowhide stretched under the wagon to store firewood) and fill the water barrel. No cowhand in his right mind would mess with Cookie, not even the trail boss. After a meal, the cowboys scraped their plates clean and put them in the wash bucket that the camp cook provided for that purpose.
Sometimes Cookie would soak a pot of red or pinto beans during the night and during the day for cooking at evening camp. If the trail hands were lucky some dried peppers along with salt pork made the beans a meal along with the leftover sourdough biscuits from breakfast.
What is Cowboy Stew? A trail hand’s favorite meal rivaled only by breaded fried steak and gravy was Cowboy Stew, popularly called ‘son of a gun stew’ among other more colorful names.
Many popular chuckwagon dishes were available when Cookie had time to prepare them. Among them was bread pudding made from leftover bread or biscuits, hoecakes from cornmeal, vinegar lemonade, fried apples, cornmeal mush, slapjacks, pickled eggs, fried cakes, raisin rice pudding, brown gravy, and chili. The chuckwagon era lasted about 20 years until the railroads expanded and cattle were transported in stock cars. Modern-day cowboy chuckwagon cook-offs are a popular pastime in our modern world, including BBQ and chili of course.
There are many popular modern-day chuck wagon outfitters who cater to BBQ cook-offs, chili cook-offs, camping enthusiasts, campgrounds, survivalists, hunters, and backyard cooks. Chuckwagon outfitters are even a favorite of glampers (:!
Authentic Cowboy Stew
Authentic cowboy stew probably would have been cubed beef chunks coated in flour, paprika, chili powder, and salt, then seared until light brown in salt pork drippings. This would have been added to a cast iron pot and filled with just enough water to cover along with onion, herbs, spices, salt, pepper to taste, potatoes, and other root vegetables that Cookie might have had on hand along with a grain such as barley or rice; then boiled and simmered to make a thick broth. Perhaps some scraps from a previous meal and cooked beans would have been added to feed a large group of trail hands. Then the hungry men would line up and fill their large tin cups to the brim topping the stew off with leftover sourdough biscuits or crumbled sourdough cornbread.
Our modern-day version stays true to its authentic cowboy stew roots with some additions and variations. The chuckwagon has been replaced by food trucks, restaurants, and modern-day kitchens. Make some today –Cowboy Stew Recipe.
Find out more about locally sourced Texas-grown foods here.
Famous Cowgirls, read here.
Find out more about Texini, the leading Texas lifestyle brand that is defined by its celebration of the Lone Star State's culture, heritage, and values.
Kay Keeton, Ed.
Editor in Chief, Kay Keeton – Texas Lifestyle Expert. Kay is a designer turned author, marketer, storyteller, and influencer. A sixth-generation Texan, Kay is both an authority as well as being passionate about sharing her home state of Texas’s diverse culture and lifestyle. Kay is a content writer and editor of content for various local and national online publications.
A trail hand’s favorite meal rivaled only by breaded fried steak and gravy was Cowboy Stew, popularly called ‘son of a gun stew’ among other more colorful names. The stew consisted of cubed beef chunks coated in flour, paprika, chili powder, and salt, then seared until light brown in salt pork drippings. Cooked in a cast-iron pot and filled with just enough water to cover along with onion, herbs, spices, salt, pepper to taste, potatoes, and other root vegetables that might have been had on hand along with a grain such as barley or rice; then boiled and simmered to make a thick broth.
Many a Texas Legend
There is a fine line between history and folklore, and this couldn’t be truer than in the great state of Texas. Many a Texas legend whether it be part truth or fiction is a matter of conceptual semantics for most Texans.
There are many legends and folklore associated with Texas. Some examples include the legend of the Alamo and the folklore surrounding cowboys and the Wild West such as Pecos Bill. Another well-known legend is that of the Texas City Twister, a devastating tornado that hit the city of Texas City in 1943. In addition to these, there are many other legends and folklore associated with Texas, such as the legend of the ghost lights of Marfa and the folklore surrounding the Rio Grande river.
Fine Line Between History and Folklore
Jackalopes really are bigger than life in the state of Texas and I dare anyone to prove me wrong!
Texini Editor
Take the jackalope for instance. Are jackalopes really bigger than life in Texas? Why do Texans revere and protect the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum)? Is it a horned lizard or a horny toad? Is the Texas horned lizard protected because it is endangered or is it because killing a horned toad prevents a cow’s milk from flowing?
Are the Marfa, TX eerie lights glowing gases or aliens? Did Texas give birth to wine vineyards in North America and save them from extinction in France? Is Austin TX the Live Music Capital of the World? Does Texas have crawfish as big as lobsters? Is everything really bigger and better in Texas?
Texas Legends have been Told and Retold
Many a Texas legend has been told and retold throughout Texas history. Some will send chills down your spine, some will uplift your day, some will be living legends in your hearts, and others will leave you scratching your head. Texas folklore , Texas folklife, myths, and legends have been carried on by word of mouth for centuries.
Folklore is a combination of cultural expressions or a body of culture collectively shared by a group of people. It can include many elements such as dance, art, music, myths, stories, legends, jokes, food, customs, and beliefs, among others. It encompasses aspects of our culture from different points of view. Folktales began by word of mouth and typically have a lesson or moral buried with them. Folktales get our attention, allow us to fantasize, and reflect on our various cultures as well as the cultures of others.
Texas legends and folklore originating in Texas include stories of Davy Crockett and Pecos Bill – the ultimate Texas tall tale, as well as the Lake Worth monster, and many more. Texas Lifestyle is heavily influenced by our past as well as the past of our Texas settlers. Texas is home to over 27 ethnic and cultural groups all bringing legends, folklore, and tall tales from their various origins. Just as our Latins have the story of La Llorona, Texas folklore is the weaving together of the many nationalities that have settled here. Many go all the way back to our Native American cultures.
The importance of Texas folklore and American folklore is that it keeps our ethnic identity as well as our personal identities from being lost in the exploding population and mass urbanization of Texas and our nation. Sharing folktales, taking pride in the past, and in old traditions bring a richness to our modern-day world that would otherwise be lost forever. [SOURCE]
Part Truth, Part Fiction
Part truth part fiction describes what many refer to as Texas Tall Tales. It is a well-known fact that Texans are prone to exaggeration. But in many ways, everything is bigger in Texas. Texans‘ big personalities are known worldwide. Austin, Texas is home to the Live Music Capital of the World. Texas does have the largest urban population of bats in North America. Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas is the biggest in the US as of this writing. Texas definitely has big culture, big history, and big tall tales.
Guitar metal wall art decor with the landscape motif is so beautifully awesome. Find it here.
TEXINI highlights Texas history, Texas culture, Texas people, Texas folklore, and interesting facts about Texas and Texans.
Editor in Chief, Kay Keeton – Texas Lifestyle Expert. Kay is a designer turned author, marketer, storyteller, and influencer. A sixth-generation Texan, Kay is both an authority as well as being passionate about sharing her home state of Texas’s diverse culture and lifestyle. Kay is a content writer and editor of content for various local and national online publications.
Texas folklore is a rich collection of stories, customs, beliefs, and songs that have been passed down from generation to generation. It includes tales of legendary figures such as the Lone Star State’s founding fathers, cowboys, Native American tribes, and more. Each story serves as an interesting glimpse into the state’s history and culture. From tales of brave cowboys and cowgirls to stories about larger-than-life characters like Pecos Bill, Texas folklore encompasses many noteworthy figures, places, and events. The state’s impressive cultural history is also reflected in its vibrant quilt of music genres—everything from traditional polka to Tejano conjunto.
Foods of the world, recipes you will love. Texas foods and drinks include a large diverse culture of recipes from all over the world to love and try. highlights Texas history, Texas culture, Texas people, and interesting facts about Texas and Texans. Lifestyle enthusiasts will love exploring foods, drinks, travel, home decor, and more than anything just having plain ole down-home fun Texas-style.
Texas is populated by at least 27 ethnic and cultural groups to inspire our Texas Cooking which has brought millions of visitors from all over the world every year to try out our Texas Cuisine. Some of us are lucky enough to live here but if you cannot then come on down for a dish of Texas home cooking.
Some of Texan’s favorite foods and drinks are chicken fried steak, chili, barbeque, cheese enchiladas, tacos, pecan pie, tortillas soup, margaritas, Dr. Pepper, sweet tea, breakfast tacos, Texas sheet cake, Tex Mex anything, corn dogs, Whataburgers, kolaches, fajitas, Blue Bell ice cream and more.
Some of these foods and drinks were invented in Texas. Corn dogs were introduced at the Texas State Fair going back to our German heritage. Germans love sausages so frying them in a deep batter was an ingenious way to appeal to Texas locals. Dr. Pepper was invented in Waco, Texas. Fajitas were invented somewhere in Texas. Of course, Tex Mex originates from our early Mexican settlers called Tejanos, Native Americans, and anglo settlers.
Tex Mex is said to have been created in the Rio Grande Valley with chili being the original Tex Mex dish which continued to grow in popularity culminating in even more Tex Mex foods. Chili Verde, chili con carne, and enchiladas became popular in the early 1900s. San Antonio contributed greatly to the popularity of Tex-Mex when it began mass production of tortillas. Fritos were also invented there by a Mexican immigrant who sold the idea to Frito Lay. Read more about Texas Foods here.
Foods of the world, recipes you will love. Texas foods and a large diverse culture of foods from all over the world to love and try. Your favorites and a new cuisine of palates for you to explore. For the Love of Food, you have to visit us often!
Thank you for visiting and be sure to check out our copycat Texas Steak Rice recipe served in one of our most popular Texas Steak restaurants.
We also include many gluten free recipes for those with celiac or gluten intolerance. Special diets can be hard to manage and we give specific product recommendations for gluten free ingredients as a convenience for those with special dietary needs. Gluten free desserts, which includes recipes for gluten free cookies, gluten free recipes for dinner, recipes for gluten free cakes, recipes with gluten free pasta, and gluten free recipes with chicken, as well as many other gluten free diet foods.
Recipes with gluten free flour, gluten free cooking tips, gluten free cooking recipes made easy for you can be found throughout our recipe selection. Type gluten free in the search bar for a full range of GF recipes or go here to filter results.
Bloggers are welcome to join as a contributor to Food Cuisine Hub. to send your recipe submission for a direct feature to your blog.
Press Releases
To submit your press release for news and events celebrating spirits, wines, and beers from Texas and around the world. Find details here.
Submit your Press Release
To submit your spirit, wine, or beer-related press release for publication please send a web link to your press release page, with your name, phone number, and email address at for inclusion in our Texini, Texas Lifestyle Drinks Series.
Press releases may consist of wine and alcohol-tasting events or other news regarding spirits, wines, and beers. Press releases that we review and accept for publication will also include a direct link to your media page or press release.
Editor in Chief, Kay Keeton – Texas Lifestyle Expert. Kay is a designer turned author, marketer, storyteller, and influencer. A sixth-generation Texan, Kay is both an authority as well as being passionate about sharing her home state of Texas’s diverse culture and lifestyle. Kay is a content writer and editor of content for various local and national online publications.
Texans love their Tex-Mex cuisine! Common dishes include dishes such as chili con carne, tacos, quesadillas, and fajitas. Many traditional Texan recipes also include beef brisket, BBQ, chili, chicken-fried steak, buttermilk biscuits, gravy, and even cobbler for dessert.
How do you make mixed drinks for a Texas Style party? Sometimes the best plan is to keep it simple and functional. We have six great pitcher and 5-gallon beverage dispenser recipes. If you are expecting a large crowd seating placed in small conversation-style groups throughout the space will function quite well. One long table or tables stacked in a long row buffet style is the easiest and gives you and your fellow hosts time to join in the festivities. If you are planning a full bar then unless you have a bartender friend who is willing to work for free you will want to hire a professional bartender. Trust me on this one! What are the best drinks for a party? Alcohol drinks for a party and drinks for a party non alcoholic, you should plan for both types of drinks at your party. More party planning below drink recipe links.
In general, the most popular drinks for parties include beer, wine, vodka and soda, gin and tonic, vodka and soda, and scotch. However, unless you are a bartender or have access to a professional bartender you might want to consider large batch mixed drinks. We have featured our favorites below. These easy mixed drink recipes are sure winners for your guests. The best mixed drink recipes for a party contain easy-to-find ingredients and take minimal time.
When planning your drinks for a party the size of the gathering and menu will determine your pre-planning schedule. For a large gathering with a full menu including bar drinks, you should allow a minimum of one week to plan and purchase needed items. For a smaller gathering with only snacks and bar drinks allow 3 to 4 days to prepare. If needed for a larger menu consider delegating sides and desserts to the attending party-goers or your inner core group of friends who can also serve as co-hosts!
Select a Theme
Once you have determined the size of your gathering, found a suitable space, and decided on a menu you will need to select a theme. Regardless of whether it is a small patio group or a larger outdoor venue you can add ambiance. Keeping it simple is always best. First, plan your space layout. Game areas should be set up on the outer edges of your gathering allowing for ample space depending on the planned activities.
Plan Music Playlist and Decor
You should make your music playlist ahead of time geared to the desired ambiance and energy level of the event or gathering. Decor can be as simple as a couple of hay bales, decorative table cloths, serving platters, pitchers, as well as other utensils. More formal events would of course require more elaborate themes and decor. String lighting or lanterns are great mood setters and lend even more ambiance to your setting.
Plan for Unexpected Guests & Weather Events
In addition to the drinks for party recipes above, serving a Texas beer such as Shiners or Lone Star along with a Texas wine would be good additions if your budget allows. This is an especially good choice if your gathering includes BBQ. However if only serving snacks then it is certainly acceptable to serve the pre-made pitcher drinks. Gator Punch for a crowd pictured here serves 13 guests. Also keep in mind the season and special seasonal drinks, themes, or weather considerations. Plan for unexpected guests and unforeseen events.
Children Attending Event
If children are attending the event, then set up a separate space for them with a dedicated children’s cooler for beverages. Allow plenty of room for the kids to play games and enjoy any planned activities. Designate a kids co-host to oversee and coordinate this area as needed. Blankets can be placed in baskets throughout your space just in case they are needed. Always have an alternative space designated for inclement weather.
Plan for Bugs to Attend
Plan for bugs to attend your gathering by setting out fragrant plants and candles that act as deterrents to these pests. If flies are a problem make sure all trash receptacles are emptied and larger receptacles moved as far away during the event as possible. Fly strips are usually not a good idea since they can be hazardous. Be sure to let your neighbors know you will have extra traffic during the event and allow for ample parking.
You Have Your Drinks for a Party, Ready to Go!
No matter what kind of party or event you are having from patio get-togethers, weddings, or other special events these drink recipes are sure to be a hit. Find more drink recipes here.
In Conclusion, Drinks for a Party
Start by making a list of drink ideas for a party. You will need to plan on at least three drinks per person. Also, jot down your ideas for party decorations and any other party plan ideas you may have. Designate one or two trusted friends or family members as co-hosts and get their input on your party ideas. Planning is key not only for your guest’s enjoyment but for your enjoyment as well. A well-planned party is a key element to your party going smoothly allowing you time to interact with your guests.
Texas loves to party Y’all! Join us at TEXINI often for highlights of Texas history, Texas culture, Texas people, and interesting facts about Texas and Texans. Visit us often to share in the Lone Star Lifestyle, a true culture of diversity.
Editor in Chief, Kay Keeton – Texas Lifestyle Expert. Kay is a designer turned author, marketer, storyteller, and influencer. A sixth-generation Texan, Kay is both an authority as well as being passionate about sharing her home state of Texas’s diverse culture and lifestyle. Kay is a content writer and editor of content for various local and national online publications.
A Texas-style party is a fun, lively celebration of Texan culture and traditions. These events often involve serving up classic Texas cuisine, setting out cowboy hats for guests to wear, playing country music, decorating with longhorns, and doing line dancing or square dancing. Answer: A Texas-style party typically features barbecued meats, comfort food sides, live music, and a down-home atmosphere. Whether you’re throwing an outdoor gathering or a more upscale event, make sure your guests are dressed to impress and have plenty of cold beer to go around!
About us
About Us – TEXINI®
Texini is about Living in Texas and the Texas Lifestyle. Explore the vibrant lifestyle, rich culture, and fascinating history of Texas. Discover the best of Texas lifestyle and the best places to live in Texas. Explore our articles and guides to learn more about Texas, the Lone Star State. Share in the Texas Lone Star Lifestyle, a true culture of diversity. Lifestyle enthusiasts will love exploring Texas fashion, foods, drinks, travel, home decor, and more than anything just having plain ole down-home fun Texas-style. Texas Lifestyle will always be a mixture of ranching, cowboy culture, and all the other aspects of its deep history. Texas Lifestyle is defined by those people that have located here in the past from other parts of the world that brought a piece of their culture to meld with Texas.
Texini® Leading Texas Lifestyle Brand
Texini is the leading lifestyle brand in Texas that is defined by its celebration of the Lone Star State’s culture, heritage, and values. The brand offers a wide range of products, including apparel, accessories, home décor, and food and beverage, all of which are designed to reflect the unique spirit of Texas.
About Us, what is Texini about? Thank you for your interest in Texini. We’ve built this page so you can find out who we are and what we are about. A lot of time and research has gone into making this site a reliable source for Texas Living and Texas Lifestyle information.
What is Texini, and why is everyone talking about it? Texas Lifestyle will always be a mixture of ranching, cowboy culture, and all the other aspects of its deep history. Texas Lifestyle is defined by those people that have located here in the past from other parts of the world that brought a piece of their culture to meld with Texas.
What is Texini?
TEXINI is a lifestyle publication that provides information about Living in Texas, Texas Lifestyle, Americas’ Lifestyle, and related subjects. TEXINI highlights Texas history, Texas culture, Texas people, as well as interesting facts about Texas and Texans. Founded in 2010 by SKeeton LLC, we have become a leader and authority in the Texas Lone Star Lifestyle, a true culture of diversity. Visit us often to share Texas living, Texas culture and what makes life in Texas so rewarding.
Texini is about making the most of an inclusive, diverse lifestyle and culture that shapes us and our behavior. Diversity makes our country a more interesting place to live regardless of where that place is. Texini recognizes and respects our cultural differences supporting the idea that we as individuals can make a unique and positive contribution to a larger society.
Consumer options have exploded over the course of the twentieth century and the new millennium. The electronic and entertainment revolutions present people with a multitude of new ways to spend their money and time. Americans’ diverse lifestyles and how they are changing the trend toward lifestyle diversity is expanding due to technology and an individual’s increased ability to reach others worldwide. Global culture and lifestyle are greatly influenced by America’s diverse society which embraces authenticity through the use of social media, television, fashion, and design.
Americans’ Diverse Lifestyles
About Us – Texini, Texas Lifestyle Blogs, and Publications
Texini, Texas Lifestyle Blogs, and Publications provide advertising and marketing campaigns that are about raising brand awareness for products and services. TEXINI®word mark and logos are registered trademarks.
“We recognize that our audience is our voice in sharing our passion and we strive to be true to that voice.”
Texini Editor
Facts About Texas, the Lone Star State
Texas is the second largest state in the United States, both in terms of land area and population. Located in the south-central part of the country, Texas is known for its diverse landscape, which includes deserts, mountains, forests, and coastlines.
The state’s economy is one of the largest and most diverse in the country, with a strong focus on industries such as energy, technology, healthcare, and manufacturing. Texas is also home to several major cities, including Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin, which are known for their vibrant cultural scenes and thriving business communities.
The people of Texas are known for their strong sense of pride and independence, and the state has a rich history that includes being its own independent republic before joining the United States in 1845. Texas is also known for its distinct culture and traditions, including its famous cuisine (such as BBQ and Tex-Mex), its love of football, and its vibrant music scene (including genres such as country, blues, and jazz). Texas is a diverse and vibrant state with a rich history and culture, and is a great place to visit or call home.
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring reliable information to the public about Texas, America, our history, folklore, cities, diverse culture, and all that makes us Texans and Americans. It is our goal to provide a complete experience of that unique culture, the Texas Lone Star Lifestyle, and all things related to the great state of Texas.
As one of the largest states in the United States, Texas has a rich and varied history. It was once a part of Mexico but became an independent republic in 1836 before joining the United States in 1845. The state is known for its cowboys, oil industry, and distinct regional cuisine. It is also home to several important landmarks and natural attractions, including the Alamo, Big Bend National Park, and the Gulf Coast. In recent years, Texas has become a major center for technology and healthcare, with many major companies based in cities like Austin and Dallas. The state is also known for its strong conservative political leanings and its role as a major contributor to American politics. Overall, Texas is a unique and fascinating state with a lot to offer visitors and residents alike.
Texas is a state with a diverse culture. It has been influenced by a variety of cultures over the years, including Native American, Mexican, and European. This diversity is reflected in the state’s cuisine, which includes a mix of Tex-Mex, barbecue, and other traditional dishes. The state’s music scene is also diverse, with everything from country and western to hip hop and blues. In terms of arts and entertainment, Texas has something for everyone, with major museums, art galleries, and performing arts centers in cities like Austin, Dallas, and Houston. The state is also home to many major festivals and events, such as South by Southwest in Austin and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Overall, Texas’ diverse culture makes it an exciting and dynamic place to live and visit.
At Texini we research, create, communicate, lead, organize, manage resources and execute current, relevant information regarding life in the Lone Star State. Texini is a lifestyle publication. A lifestyle publication is a type of magazine or online media outlet that covers a wide range of topics related to everyday life. Texini typically focuses on providing our readers with information and entertainment about fashion, beauty, health, home decor, food, travel, and other topics that are of interest to both Texans and a general audience. Texini features a mix of articles, photographs, and other content, such as interviews and reviews, to provide a well-rounded and engaging experience for readers. Texini includes advertisements for products and services related to this lifestyle.
Welcome to TEXINI, About Us
Welcome to TEXINI and make sure you explore everything our site has to offer. Texas is a place like no other and we take pride as Texans in our history, Texas culture, Texas people, and the unique, interesting facts that make Texas one of a kind.
Texans are the residents of the state of Texas. Texans are known for their friendly and hospitable nature, as well as their pride in their state and its culture. Texans come from a variety of backgrounds, and the state’s large size and diverse geography means that there is no one “typical” Texan. However, many Texans share a love of the outdoors and a passion for sports, particularly football. The state is also home to a number of major universities, which attract a diverse population of students from across the country. Overall, Texans are a diverse and dynamic group of people who are proud to call the Lone Star State home.
Visit us often to share in the Lone Star Lifestyle. Lifestyle enthusiasts will love exploring food, drink, travel, home decor, and style.
Editor in Chief, Kay Keeton – Texas Lifestyle Expert. Kay is a designer turned author, marketer, storyteller, and influencer. A sixth-generation Texan, Kay is both an authority as well as being passionate about sharing her home state of Texas’s diverse culture and lifestyle. Kay is a content writer and editor of content for various local and national online publications.
TEXINI®word mark and logos are registered trademarks.
Texans are the residents of the state of Texas. Texans are known for their friendly and hospitable nature, as well as their pride in their state and its culture. Texans come from a variety of backgrounds, and the state’s large size and diverse geography mean that there is no one “typical” Texan. However, many Texans share a love of the outdoors and a passion for sports, particularly football. The state is also home to a number of major universities, which attract a diverse population of students from across the country. Overall, Texans are a diverse and dynamic group of people who are proud to call the Lone Star State home.
What is Texini?
Texini is a lifestyle publication that provides information about living in Texas, Texas Lifestyle, America’s Lifestyle, and related subjects. Texini is an authority with respect to living in Texas, its people, and its lifestyle. Texini is an expert on Texas fashion, foods, drinks, travel, home decor, and more than anything just having plain ole down-home fun Texas-style.
What is the Texas Lifestyle?
Texas culture is unique being deeply rooted in its independent history. Texas Lifestyle will always be a mixture of ranching, cowboy culture, and all the other aspects of its deep history. From bustling cities to wide open spaces, Texas offers a diverse range of activities and experiences for every lifestyle.
What is the cost of living in Texas?
Living in Texas offers residents a relatively low cost of living compared to other states in the country. Additionally, Texas provides ample employment opportunities, with job growth projected to increase in the coming years. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas is expected to see a 1.4% increase in jobs by 2023.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Texini invites you to contact us and visit us often to share in the Lone Star Lifestyle, a true culture of diversity. Lifestyle enthusiasts will love exploring foods, drinks, travel, home decor, and more than anything just having plain ole down-home fun Texas-style. Please share your thoughts, Texas pride photos, and your unique Texas lifestyle.
Texas has always been a state of a diverse culture steeped in a long history. The early Spanish explorers claimed ownership of Texas territory in 1519 but did not attempt to colonize it until 1689. French Texas was claimed by France in 1684. In 1762, France ceded to Spain most of its claims to the interior of North America, including its claim to Texas. Texas gained its independence from Spain in 1821 and fell under Mexican rule.
Texas has been growing at a phenomenal rate for many decades. According to the US New & World Report the cities of San Antonio, Fort Worth, Austin and Frisco have the largest increase in the population of the top ten growing US cities in 2019. Coming in second place are Midland and Odessa who made the top 15 fastest-growing cities.
Contact us often to share your thoughts, Texas pride photos, and your unique Texas lifestyle. We love sharing with you what makes our great state of Texas such a wonderful place to live. We want to hear what you think makes our state special. We oftentimes post surveys, and forums with interesting topics and we welcome your testimonials. Thank you for visiting TEXINI, The Lonestar Life!
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Kay Keeton, Ed.
Editor in Chief, Kay Keeton – Texas Lifestyle Expert. Kay is a designer turned author, marketer, storyteller, and influencer. A sixth-generation Texan, Kay is both an authority as well as being passionate about sharing her home state of Texas’s diverse culture and lifestyle. Kay is a content writer and editor of content for various local and national online publications.
Show your Texas Pride today with this awesome TX T-Shirt!
Texas pride is the sense of patriotism and commitment to the state of Texas. It can be expressed in many different forms, such as wearing Texas-themed clothing, displaying Texas flags and decorations, or participating in events that celebrate Texas history and culture.
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The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network.
The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user.
The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes.The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you.
The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.